SLOTY ยท Spoken Silence
Nice and Dreamy
Experimental Ambient Piece made with field recordings and a Tape Machine
"The (un)spoken Silence" is a practical research on the relation between reality, consciousness and the hearing sense. The viewer "hears" spoken secrets from people which are pitched into frequencies the human ear can not hear anymore. Does the listener get curious, uncomfortable, interested or does our feeling consciousness stop with the limits of our senses.
And from the other perspective, can the confessor get any relieve from using this project as an output ?

The human hearing sense has its limits : Young Adults normally hear frequencies from 20 to 19-20 khZ, as we get older it gets worse. But just because WE can not hear it does not mean it does not exist.
Lets just think of the example of a dog whistle.

I wanted to transfer human speak into those unreachable frequencies. For that I pitched the recordings without Time stretching it into the area of 18-25 kHz.
I left some of the hearable frequencies to leave an impression of the existence of spoken words.

Still, nobody but the confessor itself knows whats in this Audio file.

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